ESP Symbols

The Effect: You pull out a deck of Zenner Cards and shuffle them up. Then, you deal off ten of them in a circle on the table and ask everyone at the table to agree to focus on one card when you turn around. You plug your ears and close your eyes, and they choose one card. When you turn back around, you’re able to feel their mental vibrations and pick out the card.

The Secret: You have thumper in your pocket and your friend alerts you to the card the moment you hand hovers over it.

Alternative Method: Instead of using ten cards, use five and they must all be different. Lay them out from left to right, face up. Instead of turning around, leave the room. Your friend then sends you a text message so you can come back in and identify the card.

This is an incredibly simple effect to do if you have the right friends and kit. If you’d like to learn more, sign up for a free account and get access to all kinds of great information at no cost.